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Space Marines

Genetically-engineered super soldiers clad in power armor and armed with the finest weaponry, dedicated to the protection and expansion of the Emperor's realm.

Tactical Versatility
Space Marines excel in a variety of combat roles, from shock assaults and sieges to reconnaissance and support, using their tactical acumen to outmaneuver and obliterate their enemies.
Genetically Enhanced
Space Marines undergo extensive genetic modification and rigorous training, resulting in unparalleled physical and mental capabilities, making them the ultimate warriors of humanity.

Adepta Sororitas

The devout and fearless Sisters of Battle, the Adepta Sororitas are the militant arm of the Ecclesiarchy, fighting with unyielding faith and holy fire to cleanse the galaxy of heresy and corruption.

Unshakeable Faith
The Adepta Sororitas draw strength from their unwavering devotion to the Emperor, using their faith to inspire acts of incredible bravery and resilience in the face of overwhelming odds.
Acts of Faith
The Adepta Sororitas can perform miraculous feats on the battlefield, from healing grievous wounds to calling down the Emperor’s wrath upon their enemies, turning the tide of battle through sheer belief.

Adeptus Custodes

The Emperor's golden guardians, the Adeptus Custodes are the most elite warriors of the Imperium, standing as an impenetrable shield around the Throne, wielding unmatched skill and peerless wargear to defend humanity's ruler.

Genetic Perfection
Each Custodian is a paragon of genetic engineering and combat training, far surpassing even Space Marines in strength, skill, and endurance, making them nearly invincible on the battlefield.
Artificer Wargear
Clad in exquisitely crafted auramite armor and armed with master-crafted weapons such as guardian spears and sentinel blades, the Custodians possess both unmatched protection and offensive power.

Adeptus Mechanicus

The devoted followers of the Machine God, the Adeptus Mechanicus combine ancient knowledge and cutting-edge technology to maintain and advance the Imperium's technological prowess, wielding powerful machines and arcane science on the battlefield.

Technological Superiority
Utilizing advanced technology unknown to other factions, the Adeptus Mechanicus can deploy devastating weaponry and complex strategies that confound their enemies.
Cybernetic Legions
Comprised of soldiers enhanced with bionic implants and mechanized units, their forces are both relentless and precisely efficient in combat.

Astra Militarum

The vast and resilient armies of the Imperium, the Astra Militarum, or Imperial Guard, rely on sheer numbers, overwhelming firepower, and unbreakable discipline to hold the line against the galaxy's countless threats.

Artillery Supremacy
Specializing in heavy artillery, the Guard can deliver devastating barrages that can soften up enemy formations before the main assault.
Massed Infantry
With their vast numbers, the Imperial Guard can deploy waves of troops to overrun positions and wear down the enemy through sheer force.

Imperial Knights

Towering engines of destruction, the Imperial Knights are piloted by noble warriors and serve as the ultimate heavy cavalry of the Imperium, bringing unrivaled firepower and resilience to the battlefield.

Titanic Might
With their immense size and strength, Imperial Knights can smash through enemy lines and structures, altering the course of battles with their mere presence.
Diverse Armaments
Armed with a variety of weapons from rapid-fire battle cannons to close-combat chainswords, these knights are equipped to engage any foe, at any range.

Grey Knights

The secretive and elite daemon-hunting arm of the Inquisition, the Grey Knights are psychic warriors clad in sacred armor, dedicated to eradicating the foulest threats from the Warp with unparalleled discipline and purity.

Psychic Mastery
Each Grey Knight is a potent psyker, harnessing psychic powers to smite foes and shield allies, turning the tides of battle against any daemonic presence.
Daemon Hunters
Specially trained to combat the Warp's denizens, Grey Knights possess unique weaponry and rituals that make them the ultimate nemesis of all demonic entities.