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Gloomspite Gitz

Madcap and malevolent, the Gloomspite Gitz are a chaotic horde of grots, squigs, and troggoths, driven by the maddening influence of the Bad Moon to wreak havoc across the Mortal Realms.

Mischievous Grots
The grots of the Gloomspite Gitz are notorious for their sneaky tactics, setting traps, ambushing foes, and overwhelming enemies with sheer numbers and spiteful ingenuity.
Lumbering Troggoths
Troggoths bring immense power to the Gitz, their hulking forms and regenerative abilities making them formidable opponents capable of smashing through enemy lines with brute force.

Ogor Mawtribes

Hulking and voracious, the Ogor Mawtribes are a nomadic and brutal force of ogors and their beastly companions, driven by an insatiable hunger to conquer and devour everything in their path.

Ravenous Warriors
Ogors are driven by an endless hunger, propelling them into battle to feast on the flesh of their enemies, with their immense size and strength making them formidable close-combat fighters.
Brutal Might
Ogor Mawtribes rely on their sheer physical power and ferocity, smashing through enemy lines with colossal clubs, iron fists, and other heavy weaponry.

Orruk Warclans

Savage and unstoppable, the Orruk Warclans are a brutal and war-hungry horde of orruks and their monstrous allies, driven by a primal desire for destruction and conquest across the Mortal Realms.

Waaagh! Energy
Fueled by the primal Waaagh! energy, the orruks grow stronger and more ferocious as the battle rages, their war cries and sheer brutality overwhelming all who stand against them.
Unstoppable Fury
The orruks are fierce and relentless fighters, charging into battle with wild abandon, smashing through enemy lines with sheer brute force and savagery.

Sons of Behemet

Towering and unstoppable, the Sons of Behemat are an army of gargants who bring unrivaled might and destruction to the battlefield, trampling everything in their path and crushing enemies with their colossal strength.

Colossal Might
The gargants of the Sons of Behemat are massive, towering over the battlefield and using their immense size and strength to crush enemies and shatter fortifications with ease.
Lone Titans
Each gargant fights as an individual powerhouse, with unique abilities and fighting styles, making them versatile and unpredictable opponents on the battlefield.