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Ancient and enigmatic, the Aeldari are a race of highly skilled warriors and powerful psykers, using their advanced technology and psychic prowess to strike with precision and avoid the clutches of fate.

Fleet of Foot
Made of up of incredibly fast and agile units, they outmaneuver opponents, strike where they are weakest, and leave the fray before the enemy can retaliate.
Masters of Fate
Guided by Farseers and Warlocks, they can foresee and manipulate future events, allowing them to orchestrate battles with unparalleled foresight and precision.


Cruel and sadistic, the Drukhari are the dark kin of the Aeldari, emerging from the shadows of Commorragh to raid, torture, and enslave, reveling in the suffering they inflict upon the galaxy.

Real-Space Raiders
Utilizing their mastery of stealth and deception, they launch ambushes and surprise attacks, using hit-and-run tactics to keep their enemies off-balance and terrified.
Pain Mastery
They thrive on the torment of their enemies, using torturous weaponry to cause maximum pain and fear, feeding their dark appetites and enhancing their combat effectiveness.

Genestealer Cults

Insidious and cunning, the Genestealer Cults infiltrate and corrupt human societies from within, preparing for the day when they will rise in rebellion to overthrow their oppressors and unwittingly pave the way for the Tyranid invasion.

Revolutionary Warfare
When the time is right, these cults launch synchronized insurrections, using their deep infiltration to cause maximum chaos and disruption.
Hidden Threats
Genestealer Cults embed themselves within unsuspecting populations, spreading their influence and growing their numbers until they are ready to strike.


The ancient and implacable Necrons rise from their tomb worlds, wielding advanced technology and relentless determination to reclaim the galaxy they once ruled, bringing death and destruction to all who oppose them.

Ancient Technology
They wield weapons and equipment from a bygone era, using weaponry that can disintegrate matter and disrupt energy fields of nigh invulnerable enemies.
Relentless Legions
All Necrons are incredibly resilient, often reanimating after being destroyed and can overwhelm their enemies through sheer persistence.


Brutal and anarchic, the Orks are a war-hungry race that thrives on conflict and destruction, using their sheer numbers, crude technology, and unrelenting ferocity to overwhelm and crush their enemies.

The Orks’ collective battle fervor, known as WAAAGH!, boosts their morale and combat effectiveness, turning them into a savage and unstoppable horde.
Brutal Arsenal
Orks wield an array of makeshift but devastating weapons, from massive choppas to powerful shootas, relying on brute force over precision.

T'au Empire

Highly advanced and strategically coordinated, the T'au Empire combines superior technology and tactical precision to dominate the battlefield, fighting for the Greater Good and expanding their influence across the galaxy.

Precision Firepower
The T'au excel in ranged combat, utilizing advanced weapons like pulse rifles, railguns, and missile pods to deliver devastating firepower from a distance.
Combined Arms
T'au doctrine emphasizes the integration of infantry, battlesuits, and drones, creating a cohesive and highly effective fighting force that maximizes their ranged capabilities.


The Tyranids are a terrifying, all-consuming alien swarm driven by a hive mind, seeking to devour all life in the galaxy to feed their insatiable hunger and evolve ever more powerful bioforms.

Hive Mind Coordination
Guided by the Hive Mind, Tyranid forces operate with perfect coordination and relentless determination, executing complex strategies with instinctual precision.
Adaptive Evolution
Constantly evolving and adapting, Tyranids can alter their biology to counter enemy strengths and exploit weaknesses, ensuring their dominance on the battlefield.

Leagues of Votann

Stalwart and technologically advanced, the Leagues of Votann are resilient warriors and skilled miners, combining ancient wisdom with cutting-edge technology and driven by a deep-seated tradition of settling grudges.

Ancestral Wisdom
The Votann draw upon the knowledge and traditions of their ancestors, blending ancient wisdom with modern tactics to navigate and dominate the battlefield.
Never Ending Vengeance
Deeply rooted in their culture, the Votann meticulously record and settle grudges, ensuring that any slight against them is avenged with unwavering determination.