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Chaos Space Marines

Twisted and corrupted by the dark powers of Chaos, these once-noble warriors have forsaken the Emperor, wielding forbidden powers and spreading terror and destruction in the name of their dark gods.

Unholy Might
Chaos Space Marines beseech the dark gods to obtain terrifying strength and resilience, making them deadly opponents in any confrontation.
Veterans of the Long War
Ancient Space Marine legendary characters from the Horus Heresy have earned unnatural long life to continue the fight against the Corpse Emperor.

Chaos Daemons

Born from the raw energy of the Warp, Chaos Daemons are the malevolent embodiments of the dark gods' will, manifesting in the mortal realm to wreak havoc, corruption, and destruction.

Ethereal Horror
As creatures born from the Warp, Chaos Daemons can appear anywhere on the battlefield, exploiting rifts in reality to surprise and encircle their foes.
Unholy Alliances
Often fighting alongside the mortal followers of their patron god, these Daemons enhance their armies, creating synergistic effects that bolster both mortal and daemon capabilities.

Chaos Knights

Once noble war machines of the Imperium, Chaos Knights have been twisted by the dark powers of the Warp, becoming monstrous engines of destruction that spread terror and chaos across the battlefield.

Tainted Titans
With their massive size and corrupted enhancements, Chaos Knights crush opposition underfoot and lay waste to fortifications with ease.
Aura of Dread
The mere presence of a Chaos Knight instills terror on the battlefield, demoralizing foes while rallying other servants of Chaos with their fearsome visage.

Death Guard

The relentless and plague-ridden followers of Nurgle, the Death Guard are a corrupted force of Space Marines who spread disease and decay, bringing ruin and despair to the enemies of Chaos.

Relentless Advance
Death Guard units may move slowly, but they advance with an inexorable pace, maintaining a steady pressure that overwhelms enemies through attrition and close-range combat.
Blighted Arsenal
Armed with a horrifying array of plague-infused weaponry, from bile spewers to blight grenades, they excel in warfare that corrupts and decays the battlefield.

Thousand Sons

Sorcerous warriors dedicated to Tzeentch, the Thousand Sons are master psykers and scholars of forbidden knowledge, using their arcane powers to manipulate reality and wreak havoc on the battlefield.

Arcane Mastery
The Legion consists of very potent psykers, capable of casting devastating spells that can alter the very fabric of reality to confuse and decimate their foes.
Immutable Infantry
Bolstered by the Rubric Marines, dust-filled suits of armor that are resilient to all conventional wounds and physical decay, providing a relentless and nearly indestructible core to their forces.

World Eaters

Savage and bloodthirsty, the World Eaters are the berserk followers of Khorne, dedicated to slaughter and battle. These warriors revel in close combat, seeking to offer skulls to their bloodthirsty god.

Berserker Fury
World Eaters are infamous for their brutal close-quarters combat, tearing into enemy ranks with a savage intensity that few can withstand.
Ritualistic Slaughter
Every kill made by a World Eater is an offering to Khorne, increasing their ferocity and often unlocking further blessings or abilities mid-combat.