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Cities of Sigmar

Diverse and resilient bastions of civilization, the Cities of Sigmar unite humans, duardin, and aelves, combining their strengths to defend the Mortal Realms against the forces of darkness.

United Forces
The Cities of Sigmar draw from a wide range of races and cultures, including humans, duardin, and aelves, each contributing unique skills and abilities to the collective defense.
Innovative Warfare
They enhance their military capabilities, deploying steam-powered war machines alongside spellcasters to dominate the battlefield..

Daughters of Khaine

Fierce and deadly aelven warriors devoted to the bloody-handed god Khaine, these ruthless fighters excel in swift, brutal assaults and dark sorcery, leaving a trail of blood and terror in their wake.

Unyielding Zeal
Driven by an unwavering faith in Khaine, these warriors fight with relentless ferocity, their fanatical devotion making them fearless and unstoppable in the face of any foe.
Swift Assaults
Renowned for their speed and precision, the Daughters of Khaine launch swift, devastating attacks, delighting in and perfecting the art of melee combat.


Fierce duardin warriors infused with the power of their god Grimnir, the Fyreslayers are renowned for their fiery tempers, unmatched combat skills, and relentless pursuit of ur-gold.

Ur-Gold Infusion
Infused with the mystical ur-gold, which contains the essence of their god Grimnir, Fyreslayers gain incredible strength and resilience, making them formidable opponents.
Warriors of Fire
Preferring hand-to-hand combat, the Fyreslayers excel in close-quarters battles, wielding axes and hammers with deadly precision and strength.

Idoneth Deepkin

Mysterious aelven raiders from the depths of the seas, the Idoneth Deepkin strike with the speed of a tidal wave, using dark sorcery and aquatic beasts to claim souls for their survival.

Aquatic Warriors
With a unique affinity for the ocean, these aelves command powerful sea creatures and wield water magic, turning the tide of battle in their favor.
Dark Enchantments
Skilled in the arcane arts, Idoneth Deepkin wizards cast illusions and manipulate the battlefield, disorienting enemies and enhancing their own warriors' abilities.

Kharadron Overlords

The technologically advanced duardin of the skies, the Kharadron Overlords command powerful airships and cutting-edge weaponry, seeking profit and adventure among the clouds.

Skyborne Fleet
The Kharadron Overlords dominate the air with their fleet of heavily armed airships, striking from above and navigating the battlefield with unmatched aerial agility.
Stalwart Defenders
Despite their focus on profit, the Kharadron Overlords are fiercely loyal to their kin and holdings, defending their skyports and trade routes with unyielding tenacity.

Lumineth Realm-Lords

Enlightened and disciplined, the Lumineth Realm-lords are aelven warriors and scholars who harness the elemental powers of Hysh to bring order and illumination to the Mortal Realms.

Elemental Mastery
The Lumineth Realm-lords command the elemental powers of earth, air, fire, and water, channeling these forces into devastating magical attacks and defensive wards.
Disciplined Warriors
Known for their rigorous training and precision, Lumineth warriors excel in both melee and ranged combat, their disciplined ranks executing flawless tactics on the battlefield.


Ancient and enigmatic, the Seraphon are celestial reptilian warriors who descend from the stars, guided by the cosmic wisdom of the Old Ones to purge chaos and bring order to the Mortal Realms.

Cosmic Magic
Seraphon wizards wield potent cosmic magic, using the power of the stars to cast devastating spells and manipulate the battlefield.
Divine Purpose
Driven by the ancient designs of the Old Ones, the Seraphon fight with unwavering determination to eradicate chaos and restore the Great Plan.

Stormcast Eternals

Celestial champions forged by Sigmar, these divine warriors descend from the heavens, wielding righteous fury and unmatched martial prowess to purge the Mortal Realms of Chaos and darkness.

Reforged Souls
Once mortal heroes, they are reforged into immortal champions, embodying the strength and will of Sigmar himself, with each reforging making them more powerful.
Sacred Armory
Equipped with enchanted weapons and armor, the Stormcast Eternals possess the finest wargear, designed to smite the forces of Chaos and protect the realms.


Guardians of the natural world, the Sylvaneth are ancient, tree-like beings who emerge from the forests to defend their realms, wielding nature's fury to restore balance and repel intruders.

Nature’s Wrath
he Sylvaneth harness the power of the forest, wielding branches, vines, and natural magic to strike down their enemies with the fury of the wild.
Timeless Guardians
Led by ancient and wise Treelords and spirits, the Sylvaneth draw on millennia of knowledge and experience to guide their strategies and protect their sacred groves.