1. What are the shipping and handling times?

  • Economy Shipping (Free for orders over $65): Orders are typically processed the next business day. Delivery usually takes 3-5 business days after processing.
  • Standard Shipping: Orders placed before 2 PM CST are handled the same day, with a 2-3 day arrival time.
  • Express Shipping: Orders placed before 2 PM CST are handled the same day, with a 1-2 day delivery time. Note: For optimal service, use this option on weekdays, as weekends may delay next-day delivery.

2. When are orders processed? No orders are processed after 2 PM CST. Orders placed after this time will be processed the next business day.

3. What should I do if an item arrives damaged? Customers must report any damage within 48 hours of delivery. We cannot process claims reported after this time. If your item is damaged:

  1. Contact us immediately with photos of the damage.
  2. We will provide instructions for returning the item at our expense.
  3. Once we validate the damage, we will issue a refund or send a replacement.

4. Why hasn't my order shipped? There are a few reasons why your order might not have shipped:

  • Backordered Items: Ensure your order does not include items on backorder or specific shipping instructions like "Ship in-stock items with backorder once it arrives."
  • Order Splitting: If you paid to split your order and nothing has shipped, please contact us immediately. If we missed it, we will rush the items to you at no extra cost.

5. Why doesn't my order qualify for free shipping? Some of our dropshipping vendors, such as Baron of Dice, Printful, and Tabletop Stronghold, have their own shipping rates that we cannot modify. If your order includes items from these vendors, free shipping is not available.

6. How can I ensure timely delivery? For the best shipping experience:

  • Place orders before 2 PM CST for same-day processing.
  • Use Express Shipping on weekdays for the quickest delivery.
  • Review your order for any backorder items or specific shipping instructions that might delay shipment.